How to Behave at a Modern Business Meeting

A business meeting is not just a free communication between potential business partners, but also a mandatory adherence to some basic rules of etiquette, as well as some business-specific practices that increase chances for a productive cooperation in the future. You need to consider many details before attending a meeting, including the choice of clothes for the event, and strategic planning of your behavior, because negotiations are both ceremonial and substantive by nature.

What is the appropriate look for a business meeting?

According to the rules of business etiquette, it is not recommended to come to a business meeting in casual clothes. Offline only the traditional strict office style is welcome. At least, going for such a style will never be a mistake.

For meetings with conservative business partners, you should take special care of the appropriate appearance. In exceptional cases for men, business etiquette allows the combination of a classic jacket with jeans. Office style for women in most cases means a jacket, pencil skirt reaching up to the knee cap, solid-colored blouse and shoes with low heels.

Conversational behavior and body language during business meeting

Business negotiations imply interaction at several levels simultaneously: gestures, facial expressions, verbal communication (including subtexts and allusions). Thus, the upcoming performance should be rehearsed in advance.

Observe your partners, focusing on their behavioral style. If the other party has become interested in the activities of your company, it’s time to exchange business cards! For greater convenience, you can print the required number of cards and distribute them alongside the presentation materials; another option is to design a virtual business card with a QR code, which can be placed on the back of the flyers.

Internet negotiations as a new trend

Online negotiations, just like virtual business cards, have entered business etiquette fairly recently. They have gained particular popularity during and after the coronavirus age.

Are there some specific rules of business etiquette for Internet negotiations? Yes, naturally. These practices would always be considered appropriate:

  1. Be sure to ask your business partner if he or she would like to correspond on business matters in messengers.
  2. Always keep your devices in good condition so that the so-called technical side could strengthen your position rather than weaken it due to malfunctions, delays or inconsistencies. Thus, get your devices fixed whenever any malfunctions manifest themselves; it is particularly easy to find excellent professionals in electronic repair in Brooklyn – the area is known for high-quality services of this kind.
  3. All online correspondence should be conducted only on weekdays during working hours, with the exception of business emails: these can be read at any convenient time.
  4. Messages to your partner should be brief and only to the point.
  5. Reread the text before sending it – in some cases, auto-replacement on smartphones can make you look really silly or even outright bad.


In general, it can be stated with confidence that observing the rules of business etiquette in negotiations promises the start of successful cooperation. It will increase your authority and your firm’s credibility in the eyes of others.