How to Pick a Good Laptop for a Child

Modern kids can give a head start to many adults in mastering various gadgets. No one is surprised by toddlers confidently using a tablet or meticulously choosing the right cartoon on YouTube while using their parents’ PC. For schoolers, a laptop or a desktop is an essential thing for both entertainment and learning, therefore many parents consider buying a personal device for their child quite early.

At what age a child should get a laptop?

In the past parents were divided into two camps around the issue of the age at which a child can be entrusted with their own laptop: some believed that a schoolkid does not need his or her own computer, as it will distract them from studying, while others actively accustomed their children to the wide world of technology. Now having a laptop has become a necessity for pupils.

In addition, in recent years there is an increasing number of online courses and training programs, and children use PCs since their first school year. Teachers get students acquainted with programming languages, various useful applications, and show them how to surf the Internet safely, which is especially important in our time.

Psychologists believe that kids can be allowed to start using their own devices from the age of seven. It is absolutely safe to entrust a child with such a gadget at this age, provided that the kid will use it under the supervision of adults.

Do not minimize the kid’s contact with laptops and PCs – in the future it is very likely to lead to difficulties in mastering new technologies. But extreme permissiveness isn’t a good idea either – instead of useful skills your kid will develop problems with discipline and academic performance.

How much should a child’s first laptop cost?

It is difficult to specify a particular sum and call it the only true benchmark. Still, as practice shows, a kid in elementary or middle school is quite enough with a device that is within 500-700$ range, that is, the simplest inexpensive laptops. 

Such a laptop is perfect for studying, web surfing, playing simple games, watching cartoons or movies. But there are, of course, exceptions. For example, if a laptop is bought for an older child who is already learning the basics of coding, graphics, web design, you need to buy a device of the appropriate level.

What to pay attention to when choosing a laptop for a child?

The lineup of affordable laptops is quite serious, so it’s not difficult to choose a good inexpensive laptop for your child – there are plenty of interesting options both in terms of performance and technical characteristics. Here’s a list of the most important features to keep in mind when choosing:

  1. Size of the gadget. A laptop for a child should be compact and lightweight, so look out for miniature gadgets with a display not larger than 14 inches. Such devices are convenient for small owners. Additionally, a bag or backpack with this gadget in it will not attract any special attention, which is a matter of safety.
  2. Processor. If you buy the first laptop for a kid, there is no point in chasing after some incredible performance. A gadget with a dual-core or the most simple and budget-friendly quad-core processor will perfectly cope with any task.
  3. Video card. There is no need for great performance here either, so an integrated video card will be enough for your child. Discrete cards in laptops immediately increase the price tag significantly, but they are needed only if the user plays demanding games or works with graphics software.
  4. Optical drive. This thing is very useful for a child’s laptop. It will come in handy when working on school projects.
  5. RAM. It is best to choose a model with 8 GB of RAM. Models with 4 GB are a little cheaper, but it won’t be enough too often. 8 GB will be perfect for the operating system, key software, simple games, and watching movies in the browser.
  6. Cooling stand. Such an accessory is quite inexpensive, yet it brings numerous benefits protecting the laptop from overheating and helping to extend its life.


A personal laptop is indeed a truly cool thing for a kid. Such a gadget can be a wonderful gift and a useful tool as well – aiding in studies and providing invaluable information during Internet browsing. Thus do not shy away from purchasing one, because this is a really necessary thing for children nowadays.

And one more thing. Make sure (if you have not already done so) that you know whom to turn to in case of a malfunction. New Yorkers have the Repairs Bay team, for example. Focus on your area and try to find out who has the best technicians!